About estima.su ::
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At http://www.estima.su located the Russian community of Estima Hybrid owners. Many useful information about everyday usage, technical articles and even do-it-yourself experience are available. In 2008 estima.su team is started to translate the original toyota service and repair manual for Estima Hybrid from Japanese into the English and Russian languages. Because of exclusive parts used in the first generation of Estima Hybrid (for example THS-C Super CVT transaxle) the importance of information about them is difficult to underestimate even today.

The en.estima.su project is an effort to make the results of our work to be available to the international community.

Contact information:

Any questions regarding this site or manuals should be emailed to
E-mail: egor.brov@estima.su
Paypal account: mizaar.666@gmail.com

Physical address:
Mr Egor Brov
Okeanskii pr-t 48
Vladivostok 690091
Russian Federation